Coupon Management

Elixir ERP Coupon module will keep track of coupon in store & with customer’s .Will automatically calculatenumber of leafs with customer. Coupon module also helps in handling the missing or invalid leafs from particular booklets. Generates alert to the coupon administrator to remind that there is not sufficient coupon with the customer. Elixir Erp software also monitors all the credit issue of coupon done and it gets affected against the sales man account , thus this helps the organization to easily track the employee settlement through the centralized Coupon and HRMS system . Several additional options like booklet transfer between different salesmen, between customers etc. are possible and can be effectively monitored through the system. Since barcode scanning facility has been involved in ERP end user can scan coupon leafs against drivers in fraction of seconds.





In coupon entry form we can generate series of coupon books from the system automatically. Also we have option to make coupon book or leaf of a book as inactive. We can cancel the book or leaf. In Coupon entry admin user can assign books or range of books to sales man.

Coupon issue voucher can deliver coupon books to customers using cash or credit payment modes. Also user can issue multiple coupon books to different or same customers. Using settlement voucher sales man can clear his pending receivables by settlment of coupon books.

Coupon return voucher having an options to return full book or leafs to one sales man to another sales man. While transferring coupon books, receivables will be transferred to new sales man. Also can transfer book to one customer to another customer.

In leaf collection voucher sales man or delivery team will return the coupons from customers, while data entry, if there any mismatch in route or cancelled coupons will be pop up as invalid coupon. Using this leaf collection management can track the coupon status of each customers.